Jasmine Pan recently shared a heartfelt video on social media, where she broke down in tears revealing that Gino
Palazolo did not want to share a room with her while filming for “90 Day: The Last Resort.” The couple, who
originally met online, quickly became engaged, leading Jasmine to move to the United States to marry Gino. Despite
their existing intimacy issues, they decided to go through with the marriage and are currently featured in Season 2 of “90 Day: The Last Resort” to address their problems.
Meanwhile, Gino’s family has expressed blame towards him for not making sufficient efforts to resolve the issues within their relationship. In her emotional video, Jasmine shared her reaction to Gino’s request for separate rooms, detailing that this happened a few weeks prior to their journey to the retreat for couples therapy. On Valentine’s Day, she recalled Gino’s promise to sleep in the same bed with her, but his inability to reconcile as quickly as she had hoped left her heartbroken. After two days apart, Jasmine described how Gino surprised her with a car on Valentine’s Day 2024, concluding her message with the poignant line, “Only Love Can Hurt Like This.”
While Gino has made attempts to make their relationship work, he struggles to fully embrace his feelings for Jasmine. The couple has faced numerous challenges, including trust issues and personality conflicts. Jasmine feels that Gino has not been emotionally and physically available, while Gino believes Jasmine often insults him and initiates conflicts, which diminishes his attraction to her. Their chaotic Valentine’s Day in 2024 highlighted the tension between them, as Gino attempted to make Jasmine happy with the car gift, yet he was still unable to forgive her for past grievances.
During Season 2 of “90 Day: The Last Resort,” Jasmine’s behavior has influenced Gino’s inconsistent treatment of her. Jasmine accused him of having an addiction to adult content and pressured him for intimacy, while Gino denied these allegations and expressed his disinterest in physical affection. It seems that Jasmine’s dramatic tendencies and her desire for an open marriage in order to fulfill her physical needs with another man have pushed Gino further away, despite his efforts to show kindness, such as gifting her the car.
Interestingly, it is atypical for Jasmine to record herself crying, but her emotional response to Gino’s treatment is understandable. She perceives herself as the innocent party in the relationship and seeks to place blame solely on Gino. Conversely, Gino feels that Jasmine is entirely at fault, harboring resentment towards her suggestion of an open marriage, especially after he made a significant gesture by buying her a car. In reality, the combination of their age gap and differing personalities seems to create an inherent incompatibility, indicating that neither of the “90 Day: The Last Resort” cast members can be fully blamed for the failures in their marriage.