In the world of celebrity finances, estimating net worth or salary often feels like a guesstimation at best. However, an
intriguing development has emerged regarding Miranda Rae Mayo, the star of “Chicago Fire.” Recent court
documents reveal her earnings from the popular NBC drama amid an ongoing legal dispute with her former talent
agency, Spectrum Productions, which claims she owes them over $231,900 (via The Blast).
According to the litigation documents, Mayo, who portrays Lieutenant Stella Kid on “Chicago Fire,” earns a significant $75,000 per episode. This amount was determined following a renegotiation of her contract after the show’s tenth season. Typically, “Chicago Fire” features between 22 to 24 episodes per season, suggesting her annual earnings could reach an impressive $1.65 million—this sum does not include potential earnings from any crossover episodes within the “One Chicago” franchise or other revenue streams outside of her primary role.
The revelation regarding Mayo’s earnings adds a layer of credibility to financial discussions surrounding the cast of “One Chicago.” Notably, wealth estimation site Celebrity Net Worth has reported that Jason Beghe, who stars in “Chicago P.D.,” purportedly earns up to $250,000 per episode. If accurate, this would amount to a staggering base pay of $5.5 million for a standard 22-episode season, although these figures remain unconfirmed.
While the exact earnings of many actors, including Beghe, remain speculative, the presence of tangible documents from Mayo’s legal battle lends weight to the claims regarding her salary. In interviews, Mayo has refrained from discussing her financial status, but her dedication to her role is evident. Not only does Mayo navigate the physical demands of playing a major firefighter role, but she has also actively participated in the Fire College program at the Illinois Fire Service Institute to ensure her portrayal is both authentic and compelling.
As the case between Mayo and Spectrum Productions unfolds, fans and industry watchers alike will be keenly observing any further revelations about her career and financial standing within Hollywood. With her evident talent and hard work, Miranda Rae Mayo continues to shine both on and off the screen.